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Dieses Feld schließen.Tadeusz Pobożniak (1910-1991), professor at Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland) and author of Grammar of the Lovari Dialect (1964), mentions that one of the most important printed records in Lovari is a translation of the Gospel according to St. John. The translation --O wojako-hiro katar o Jesuskasko Christuskasko Banasgimno ä Johannestar-- was completed by Jaija Sattler [Lovari Romani] and was published in 1930 by the British and Foreign Bible Society. Pobożniak gives a brief description of Sattler's life and work:
Excerpt (p. 21)
The translator [Sattler] had no linguistic training, but he succeeded in making his translation a real pioneer's work. He had been educated in a German secondary school, began to study medicine, and then worked as a jockey. After having finished a Missionary School in Silesia, he took to preaching to his compatriots. He travelled in a Gypsy caravan, visiting various settlements, chiefly of the Lovari and the Kelderari [Kalderas]. He translated the Gospel into what he called the dialect of North-German Gypsies, to distinguish it from the dialect of the Sinti Gypsies who lived in West and South Germany. To write down the Lovari text he used conventional German spelling, because his compatriots living in Germany knew the language, and if anyone of them could read and write, it was only in German.
With many others, Jaija Sattler, the translator of the Gospel, was murdered in the concentration camp at Oświęcim. (Pobożniak, p. 23)
Pobożniak, Tadeusz (1964), Grammar of the Lovari dialect: Państwowe Wydawnictwo Maukowe [publisher].