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Dieses Feld schließen.Dieser Bereich enthält Informationsquellen und Literaturangaben (Print und Online) zur weiteren Information zu Lehre und Ausbildung im Bereich Dolmetschen.
Professional Conference Interpreters Worldwide (AIIC) will publish a directory of interpreting schools and programs in 2011.
HG.Org United States "State Court Interpretation Services and Certification" directory and resources online.
Interpreter Training Resources (ITR) website - Andy Gillies and Aymeric de Poyen.
Pöchhacker, Franz, "The role of research in interpreter education", published in The International Journal for Translation & Interpreting Research (trans-int.org) in 2010 and available online.
Ertl, Anita and Sonja Pöllabauer, "Training (Medical) Interpreters—the Key to Good Practice. MedInt: A Joint European Training Perspective", University of Graz, published in JoSTrans and available online.
European Society for Translation Studies: Translator-Training Institutions worldwide (most comprehensive list; also includes interpreting)
American Translators Association: List of Approved Translation and Interpreting Schools (international)
Kearns, John (ed), Translator and Interpreter Training: Issues, Methods and Debates, Continuum Studies in Translation, London / New York: Continuum, 2008.
Kelly, Nataly, "Interpreter Certification Programs in the U.S. Where Are We Headed?", ATA Chronicle, Jan 2007. Available online.
Lasho ges tuke (Kalderash)
Lačho djive (Gurbeti)
T'avel shukar tyiro dyes! (Lovari)
Neka ovel tuke o sukar dive (Xoraxane)