Translation and Terminology
Translators and terminologists occupy important positions in regions, nation-states and organizations where languages are granted official status. They are also crucial agents in the transfer of information and for standardizing specialized vocabulary in our globalizing world. An inside look at the professional profile...
Proficiency or fluency in different languages does not automatically indicate expertise in translation. Professional translators are bilingual, but they are also excellent writers in their native tongue or professional language of choice, as well as specialists in their subject matter.
Historically documented translation activity reveals that alongside deeply rooted oral traditions around the world, translation has been practiced for almost 5,000 years (Syria, China, India). The history of Translation Studies as an academic discipline is young, and dates to the latter half of the 20th c.
The field of terminology implies much more than translating vocabulary and word-lists. Professional terminologists create sophisticated terminology resources, and also advise on standards, language policies, dictionary or database creation, neologisms and new trends of language usage.
The actual practice of compiling terminological resources (word-lists, glossaries, dictionaries) has a very long historical tradition. Terminology Studies focuses, both descriptively and prescriptively, on how terms (lexical items) designate concepts and represent various domains of knowledge.
This section includes some of the fundamental resources (print and online) available for further information on the professions of translation and terminology, as well as additional academic publications in translation and terminology studies.
This section lists resources and references available (print and online) for more detailed information on education and training to prepare for professional and academic careers in translation and terminology.