Translation Romani ha deciso di mantenere l'uso del termine Romani per tutte le versioni linguistiche di questa website, includendo e riferendosi sia alla lingua sia alle popolazioni di tutte le diverse comunità etniche del mondo come per esempio le comunità Roma, Sinti, Manuš, Calé, Romanichal, Kalé, e tante altre. Per ulteriori spiegazioni leggere per favore gli importanti commenti esplicativi dei nostri traduttori e le traduzioni attualmente in uso ai diversi livelli locali, nazionali e regionali.
Chiudi questa finestra.The Guide for Roma school mediators/assistants written by Calin Rus and Mihaela Zatreanu, and published by the Council of Europe in 2009, can be accessed in English, French and in Romani translation.
[...]Mediators should also demonstrate good mediation and communication skills. If they are genuinely to bridge two cultures, they must possess intercultural communication skills as well as general communication skills (active listening, open mind, etc.) and an ability to communicate with children. They must therefore:- speak both the language used in the education system and the language of the Roma community (if applicable) well;- understand the “cultural codes” of both the majority culture and the Roma culture, that is, know how to behave in both environments and being able to see the meaning attributed to specific behaviours in both cultures, as well as the reasons behind them.[...]