O swato "Nation" Inglezitskones, halyarel-pe gineralnones ekh komunitate/kumpaniya narodosko kai beshel and ekh teritoriya kai si organaizime politikalnones telal ekh guberno, kodya si “o natsiyáko-them.” Thai-vi, halyarel-pe te sikavel ekh narodo kai hulavel ekh istoriya, thai wuni obichaya shibake thai kulturake. O swato “natsiya” nai sayek yekh-fyalo sar ekh “natsiyako-them,” vash egzemplo ande motsyuni wazdine ando bersh 2006 te prindjardyol e Kataloniya sar ekh natsiya ande Shpaniya thai o Kwibek (Québec) sar ekh natsiya ande Kanada. Kana ekh narodo nai les spesifikno teritoriya worka parintengo them, e “natsiya” musai te azbal pe avre definitsiyi te prindjardyon le naradoske shibake hai kulturalni hataya. Ansuchime palazheniyi shai wazden-pe kana natsiyonalitate ando them anel pesa asimilatsiya, o xurdyarimos vai mudarimos le diferentsiyange mashkar le grupi etnikalni gindin-pe te avel ekh “natsiya.” O prindjarimos politikalno lel-pe mai bari importantsiya kana le shibake planimimata te trayil le parintengi shib worka planurya kai ingaren o trayimos thai o barimos la shibako avel e priyoritate, kana les ando gi ke moderno koloniyalizatsiya thai globalizatsiya kai avile yekh le mai bare aminintsa ka thon ando strazhno le 7, 000 shiba kai si dopashe la lumiyake shiba.
Nitala zumayimata kerdyile mai anglal, o bersh 1971 shai-vi te avel o bersh fundatsiyako vash le agesune gindurya natsiyenge. Ka o mai angluno Romano Kongreso ande Londono, E Rromani themeski zastava/steyago, o phenimos/swato “Opre Rroma!” thai o imno natsiyonalno Djelem,Djelem, sas adoptime thai-vi o ges, Abrilo oxto, avilo O Ges/Dives Rromano Sare-Themengo ande lumiya antrego. Kakale samnurya kai sikadyon o identitate ekhe modernone natsiyako hamin-pe le do-multane obichaya, sar e Rromaniya/Rromanipe Kris-Rromani, kai nakhle bersh bershestar katar o Rromani mui, sas e struktura kai ingarel e Rromani kultura hai obichaya mashkar le Rromane familiyi thai kumpaniyi pashal ka 1000 bersha. Desar e kezdiya/astarimos le bershenge desh-u-hiftato, but fyalurya Rromani organizatsiya hai mobilatsiya zumadyile ande gindimos, stratedjiya thai aktsiya. Desar o bersh 1971, nakhle mai but Rromane Kongresurya ande Ivropa. Ando bersh 1978, Le Rroma kerdyili e Uniya Rromani Sare-Themengo (ofisa-sherutni akana ande Praha) ka o Duito Rromano Kongreso La Lumiyako ande Djeneva. O Kobgreso Rromani Natsiyonalno anklisto mashkaral le bersha 1980to, bazime ando Hamburgo ando Nyamptso. O kerimos thai o mai barimos le Rromane Uniyako kerdine Rromane serviseturya thai but avre organizatsiyi sar o (CoE Roma and Travellers, ERTF, ERIO, ERRC, etc.) te organaizin thai thon ando than initsiyatiyi kai roden sar si le Rromane drepturya/hataya ande Ivropa.
Ande fatsa la globalizatsiya thai la lumiyako khetanemos mashkar komuniteturya la lumiyake, Rromane akivisturya dikhen na ferdi ekh Rromani “natsiya” kaske vuni si bazime ande savorungi istotiya hai phandade bute lokalni thai natsitonalni istoriyansa inkyal e planeta , numa thai-vi ekh naradosko kolkorro hai kidimaske hataya thai vi penge fundamentalni manushenge chachimata. Kakale hataya, sar si ramome ande Natsiyi Maladinengi Deklaratsiya le Manushenge Chachimate, kai si tolmachime Rromanes, shai kerel ekh fundatsiya te keren thai te thol ando than le Rromenge le akturya zakonenge te peraven e predjudisiya, diskriminatsiya, rasizmo hai te den savorrenge lashe khera, wuzho pai, azhutimata medikalni, hai phuterdo wudar ka del ande edukatsiya thai buki.
Garo, Morgan (2009), Les Rroms. Une nation en devenir ?, Paris: Éditions Syllepse.
Karanth, Dileep (ed), Danger! Educated Gypsy. Selected Essays. Ian Hancock, Hertfordshire: University of Hertfordshire Press, 2010.
Kenrick, Donald (2004), The Romani World. a historical dictionary of the Gypsies, Hertfordshire: University of Hertfordshire Press.
O`Nions, Helen (2007), Minority Rights Protection in International Law. The Roma in Europe, Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing Ltd.
Patrin, "A Brief History of the Roma", retrieved on 4 Sept 2011 at http://www.reocities.com/~patrin/history.htm.
Sigona, Nando and Trehan, Nidhi (eds), Romani Politics in Contemporary Europe. Poverty, Ethnic Mobilization, and the Neoliberal Order (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009).
Vermeersch, Peter (2006), The Romani Movement. Minority Politics & Ethnic Mobilization in Contemporary Central Europe, New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books.
Weyrauch, Walter O. (ed), Gypsy Law. Romani Legal Traditions and Culture(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001).
Siyas! (Kalderash)
Sastima(s)ha! (Gurbeti)
Pe tyo sastyipe! (Lovari)
Ko/to/tumaro sastipe (Xoraxane)