Rodindoi phanglimata mashkar Rromani kultura hai e niva tolmachimaski
Translation Romani
O Bi-Mutomos la Persekutsiyako hai Djenosidako

O veko pal le duitone marimasko  dikhlas o kerimos  but swatonendar thodine ando than/implementuwime te anavyaren - pakivake hai  krisake - krimi protivo le manushende, e viyolentsiya kidimaski/kolektivno, thai but aktsiyi te choren lendar, te diskriminatin, hai  te persekutin le komuniteturya zhenenge  ande lumiya antrego.  O swato "wuzhyarimos/chistomos etnikósko" kerdyilo ando veko agesesko ande l' bersha 1980to ande l'  marimata ande phurani Yugoslaviya. Butivar si bazime ande polisiyi thai aktsiyi diskriminatsiyake protivo/kontra kodolen kai si haryarde te aven bi-mangle worka avrune, o wuzhyarimos etnikosko si kana ekh komuniteto narodoski si mukime zorasa le dushmanensa bazime pe pengi polekra etnikoski, pengi rrasa worka pengi religiya. Etnosida  si o swato kai haznil-pe te mothol-pe le planurya hai kerimata kai kerel o komunitate natsyonalno te pharravel o identitate kulturalno ekh komunitatesko ande la natsiyangi teritoriya. Kasave planurya  thai kerimata ande wurma keren bare telazurya migratsyange kodole manushendar, familiyandar hai komuniteturyandar kai trobun len te nashaventar katar e darayimata, le nekazurya, e viyolentsiya, le silowimata, o kinowimos hai le mudarimata. Ando bersh 2010, o UNHCR gichisardyas ke mai but worka mai xansi katar 43 milovonurya migranturya la lumiyako antrego sas azilanturya, azilonenge roditorya, manusha gonisarde katar pengo than ando them kai beshen hai manusha bi-natsiyange. O swato "genocide" (djenosida) kerdyilo pa o Raphael Lemkin ando bersh 1943, halyarel-pe te mothol-pe le planurya thai aktsiyi protivo komuniteturya spesifikni te prepedil worka te mudaren savorren. O swato sas adoptime ando United Nations General Assembly (O kidimos Gineralno le Maladine Natsiyango) ando bersh 1948.

Porrajmos (Porrayimos) worka e Romani (Roma and Sinti) genocide (e Djenosida Rromengi hai Sintiyengi) sas bishterde katar le prosti gazhe thai le mai but skolarichi zhi-ka na domultano, hai mthol sar 500,000 ka l, 000,000 Rroma thai Sinturya mudardile. Mashkar lende sas sa le Rroma Chexitska kai beshenas ande Bohemiya hai Moraviya kai denas-duma e Chexitsko Rromani ship. E djenosida le Rromenge  sas dokumentime mai anglunes katar le skolarichi o Donald Kenrick thai o Ian Hancock hai vryamyasa/vaktosa prindjardile avrensa, mashkar kodolensa si le United Nations (Natsiyi Maladine), but fyalurya international organizations to prevent genocide (organitsyiyi sare-themenge te opril e djenosida), o U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum (O Konsilo la Muzako Mimoryalno le Holokustesko) thai academic institutions (instututsiyi akademichange). Mai pozle ande l' bersha 1980to, e roditorka, Gabrielle Trynauer, kidas testimoniyi/serimata ankaladendar hai penge familyandar, hai kerdyas yekha le mai anglunya biliyografiyake  kai del-pe pe treyaba anda e Rromani djenosida. Thai-vi, rano ande l' bersha 1990to, o roditori, o Paul Polansky, kidas testimoniyi thai dokumentatsiya istorikalne to probil e existentsiya vash o Lety concentration camp (o Lety, o kampo konchentramento), ekh kampo kai le Chexurya Gazhikane thodine le Chexitskone Rromen. Desar porma, o Lety sikadyile la lumiyate  ande sikayimata thai ekh dokumentariyo filma. Data collection (kidimata informatsiyange)  avrenge kampurya zhan-pe anglal. Nitala e Romani genocide (djenosida Rromani) chi arakhel-pe ande kurikulo Ivropanoskone sikayvimos/edukatatsiya, prindjardyol polokkores, hai shpidine  pa le Rromane organizatsiyi, soveturya hai avre korpurya  sar o Council of Europe (Konsilo la Ivropako) hai o  FNASAT ando Franzuzo.  O Sare-Themengo Ges le Serimasko kerdilo katar o Kongreso Natsiyonalno hai E Rromani Uniya ando bersh 2009. O Komuniteto Rromano hai Sintitsko sas gosto  pakivako  vash o mai-angluni data ka o ofitsiyalno Holocaust Memorial Day (O Ges Mimoriyalno le Porrayimasko) ando Nyamptso ando bersh 2011. Nitala e djenosida Rromani busholas avre swatonensa le Nasistonensa, le swaturya Porrajmos ("o xamos savorrengo") thai Samudaripen ("mudarimos savorrengo")  si le dui mai butivar haznime.

O Translation studies research (Rodimos le Tolmachimaske Studiyi) rodelas le but fyalurya metodi savensa le tolmacha  sas marturya ande traditsiyi hai te ampochin but fyalurya kai azban pe violentsiya, e lupta hai o marimos. Tolmacha na ferdi ampochin le diferentsiyi shibake hai kulturalni, i-won penge, shai  aven hamime ande lupta kai shpidel len  te rrazin-pe pe penge pozitsiyi, penge molimata, penge halyarimata hai penge pakivalimata, nitala roden gora bi-marimaske hai obdjektivitetoske. Yekh-fyalones, pe wuni vremi, spesonalnones ando amaro vekurya lumiyake, tolmacha shai-vi te aven le yekhorre zhene  kai shai ramon pe diskriminatsiya, pe persekytsiya hai pe l' krimi protivo le manushende hai te sikaven kakale krimi anglal o sare-themengo publiko. Sar mothol ande bukfa The Translator katar o Daoud Hari, o tolmach worka tolmachka si wunivar but importantno te "ramol o storiyo," hai katar leski worka laki kontributsiya, te sikavel ekh situwatsiya/palazheniya, kakya si "te tolmachil la" te  prindjaren la le gubernurya, le organizatsurya umanitarni hai  sa e lumiya shai halyarel hai anda kadya, shai mobilaizin-pe.


Asséo, Henriette, Idit Bloch & Juliette Jourdan, Mémoires Tsiganes, l'autre génocide, KUIV PRODUCTIONS (produit par Mark Edwards et Marie-Hélène Ranc).

Council of Europe, "Genocide of the Roma--Teaching Roma Genocide", available online in English and in French.

Fédération Nationale des Associations Solidaires d'Action avec les Tsiganes et les Gens du voyage (FNASAT), "Une mémoire française. Les Tsiganes pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, 1939-1946". Available online.

Hancock, Ian, "The Pariah Syndrome. German Treatment of Gypsies in the 20th Century," The Pariah Syndrome available online.

Hancock, Ian, "On the interpretation of a word: Porrajmos as Holocaust", RADOC. Available online.

International Organization for Migration (IOM) website online.

Kenrick, Donald (2009), "Victims of Nazi Persecution (Roma and Sinti)", Speak Up, Speak Out. Online and podcast.

Lukunka, Barbra (2007), "Ethnocide", Online Encyclopedia of Mass violence, modified 2008. Available online.

Marsh, Adrian (2009), "The Mechanics of Marginalisation; the Gypsies and genocide, 1900–2009 (O Baro Parrajmos). The history of Anna Maria “Settela”Steinbach." Available online.

Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Studies (MIGS), "Gypsies (Sinti and Roma) website online.

Naimark, Norman (2007), "Ethnic Cleansing", Online Encyclopedia of Mass Violence, modified 2009. Available online.

PATRIN, "The Holocaust. O Porrajmos." Available online.

Prevent Genocide International website online. "Genocide of Roma-Sinti" online.

ROMBASE, "'Czech' Roma", University of Graz, Austria. Available online.

Teleki, László, "The Fate of the Roma during the Holocaust: The Untold Story", Discussion Paper Series, The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme. Available online.

Tyrnauer, Gabrielle (1989), Gypsies and the Holocaust: A Bibliography and Introductory Essay. Bibliography Series No. 2. Interuniversity Centre for European Studies, Montreal Institute for Genocide Studies. Montreal Canada. Available online.

United Nations General Assembly website online.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) website online.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, "Genocide of European Roma (Gypsies), 1939-1945", Holocaust Encyclopedia. Available online.

Wikipedia, "Ethnic Cleansing", "Lety Concentration Camp", "Porajmos", accessed on Oct 2, 2011.

Translation Romani

Kolkorro Rromano swato Other Romani Word
Vesolo sim te dikhav tut (Kalderash)
Šukar te dikhav tut|Lačhe te pindžarav tut (Gurbeti)
Me losshav, hoj maladyilem tusa. (Lovari)
Baxtalo sem so arakljam amen (Xoraxane)
 Pleased to meet you (EN)  Prazer em conhecê-lo (a) (PT)  Enchanté(e) (FR)  Encantado de conocerlo.|Encantada de conocerla. (ES)  Es freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen (DE)  Örülök, hogy megismertelek (HU)  Piacere di conoscerla (IT)  Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum (TR)  Těší mě, že vás poznávám (CS)

Kames te tolmachis kakya patrin?
Kamas-manges te tolmachis kako artikulo ande kiri shib? Te plachal tut, trade tiri tolmachiya ka Yekh data kana parrudyilo, kam-avel ankalado po saito.