E fátsa katar o professional interpreter (pramatno tolmach) lel angáli but talenturya diferentni thai xaranimata. Sar le tolmacha hai le terminologurya, le interpretorya mora te rispondin-pe ka ekh buflo kidemos tribuyalenge ande but fyalurya thana. Istorikalnones, tolmachimos sluchayisailo /lyas than an o shefto hai an o komersiyo, ande diplomasiya, ande katanitska palazheniyi, ande kris, ande mediya, ando guberno, ande imigratsyiake servisurya, organizatsiyi sare-themenge thai-vi ande sikayvimaske thai sastimaske institútsiyi. Interpretimos (mosko tolmachimos) lel than doplo ando vorbime hai samnome shiba. Gineralnones, kerdilo pala o tolmachime shib worka po than kana mothol-pe o tolmachime shib. Aver praktsiya si "dikhimasko tolmachimos" , trobun le interpretoriyi te interpretin o teksto ramome mongones worta kana chiton/ginen po than. "Shopotimasko interpretimos" si kana le interpretirya tolmachin ande kovle glasurya, pashle ka yekh worka dui zhene.
O interpretimos si bute-fetsengo aktiviteto komunikativno. Trobun lashe prindjarimaske hai palazhenyake lasharimaske xaranimata, lashi gogi/lasho aminte hai mai lashe shaimata doplones an e xayingaki shib hai e tsegome shib. Le interpretorya butivar si len ferdi yekh chanso te ashunen ekh mothodimos and'ekh shib hai po than, worka khetene, mothodo ande aver ship. Igalnones, si importantno k' le interpretorya si len xaranimata te hakyaren bi-monge samnurya hai kulturalaki forma te del-pe baxtales ando gor ande komunikatsiya. Le interpretorya shai-vi te dikhyon sar ampochitorya, te phendyol ke wo vai woi "thon-pe mashkare" eksklivinones ande interpretsiya kai lel than te kerel siguro k'o hakyarimos mashkar o tolmach hai o tolmachime shai del-pe ando gor. Ka yekh-fyalo data, le interpretorya prindjaren k' won representin avren, kadya si, le zhene thai-vi le institutsiyi kaske keren buki. Gineralnones mangel lashe talenturya te ramon noti hai o maistorimos pe terminologiya spsyalaizime, thai-vi halyarimos hai ekh pramatno sama ande e pakivake treyabi. Formalno edukatsiya hai sikayimaske programurya si thodine ando than mai-anglunes vash le interpretimata konferentsiyango. Vi-akana si ekh skurtsomos sikayimaske-programonendar hai pedagadjikalnone meteriyalonendar vash o komunitetosko interpretimos ande but regiyi la lumiyake. Le mai anglune shkoli interpretoryenge ankliste an Ivropa ande mai-angluni dopashin le 20to kenturiyako, ando Mannheim, Heidelberg, Djineva hai Vienna, thai kadya azhutisardyas te preparil le interpretorya vash le Krisa Nuremburkoske (1945-1946) hai mai palorral ande l' United Nations. (Natsiyi Maladine). Zakoya pakivake hai pramatni standardurya thodine ando than, hai promotime, spesyalnones katar e International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) (Asosiyatsiya Sare-themengi Konferentsiyange Interpretorya).
O zumayimos hai o chachyarimos si thodino ando than ande wuni thema hai organisatsiyi, spesyalnones vash krisako hai medikalno interpretimos. Interpretori shai keren buki pe plata, numa le mai but shinaven penge servisurya sar bi-amblade kontrakterya.
Angelelli, Claudia (2004), Medical Interpreting and cross-cultural communication, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
European Commission, Directorate-General Interpretation, "What is conference interpreting?". Available online in English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, German, Hungarian, Italian, Czech and other languages. See also "Interpreting for Europe...into English" on YouTube.
Gaiba, Francesca (1998), The Origins of Simultaneous Interpretation: The Nuremberg Trial, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
Hale, Sandra Beatriz (2007), Community Interpreting, Hampshire / New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Pöchhacker, Franz (2004), Introducing Interpreting Studies, London / New York: Routledge.
Russel, Debra and Sandra Hale (eds), Interpreting in Legal Settings, Studies in Interpretation Series, Washington D.C.: Gallaudet University Press, 2008.
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