Mashinake tolmachimata (MT), wunivar anavyardo "tolmachimos avtomatiko", nerilas dikhimos fugasa ande peski forma komersiyalime desar le bershorre nakhle. Ande partiya, o anklimasko kidimos kontentosko kerdine katar ofitsiyalno multilingualizmo (UN, EU) worka bi-lingwalizmo (Canada), hai le baryarimaske shiba reprezentime thai zhivindi pe Miriyazha, azhutisardenas mashinake tolmachimaske roditorya te halyaren mai feder le figuri hai shaimata katar o haznimos shiba naturalni ando konteksto hai ando tolmachimos. Kakya shtiriya si haznali te drabarel/gichil hai te mai lasharel o kaliteto katar o thodimos anglal kerdo katar le prostovi komersiyalni MT sistemi mai zhangle ka l' haznitorya Miriyazhoske ages, vash egzemplo Google Translate.
Istorikalnones, MT research kezdisailo phares ande l' bersha 1950to, thai nyedizhilas vash bare rezultaturya, kadya si te phenel "sa-avtomatiko, baro kaliteto tomlmachimos katar bi-phandado teksto" Ando bersh 1966 o ALPAC Report pharravelas nadimata hai xansarelas le love kai avenas katar le patronurya, numa pale shpidel rodimos ande Komputeriyeske-azhutime Tolmachimos (CAT) teknologiyi. Ande Kanada, o METEO MT System avilo yekh anda le mai lashe egzemplurya katar nerimaske mashinake tolmachimata ando haznimos. Zhi-ka le bersha 1990to, le mai but MT sistemi sas bazime pe Rule-Based approach (Regla-Bazime Pashumos) savo trobul bare alavarya, bare gramatichi (Regli hai Bi-Reglange) hai programurya, te sikaven e sistema sar te kerel chachuni shib ande l' dometurya spesifikni. Desar le bersha 1990to, sargodi, Corpus-Based (Korpo-Bazime) pashumata kai mashinako tolmachimos (Example-Based and Statistical) Bazime po egzemplo hai statistichi, stepaninas o rodimaski mal/niva hai sistemi komersiyalni. Haznin do- shibange hai bute-shibange korpurya hai wortomaske droma te keren segmentonenge maladimata ando EBMT hai thon-pe analiso statistikalno hai shaimatange modelurya ando SMT. Duplo mashinako tolmachimos hai manushengo tolmachimos si ande praktsiya pramatnones, numa pala diferentni razonurya hai tsitkumstantsiyi. MT hazníl-pe ande kazurya kai konteksto hai subjektoske bukya (vash egzemplo, e vryamya, manwalurya teknikalni , spesikifatsiyi produktonenge) shai te aven kontrolime dosta-tanges te na kerel o thodimos anglal preya sheptezurya. Angla-redaktiya (controlled language) (kontrolime ship) kana ramos xayingako kontento hai post-editing (pala-redaktiya) (manushengi reviziya) trobun te kerdyol dosta kaliteto hai dissemination (diseminatsiya) katar te tolmachime teksturya. Bi ekh-fyalo reviziya hai redaktiya manushenge tolmachime teksturya, mashinake teksturya kerdyol tribuyala ke le pala-redaktorya si len o ekspertizo te hakyaren le diferentni fyalurya sheptezonenge kh' ekh mashina (na ekh manush) shai-vi te kerel. Mashini nashti "halyaren" teksturya manushes, thai-vi nashti rezolvin shibake hai kulturalni problemi hai do-rigengo halyarimata. Chachune shibake hai sintaktikni maladimata mashkar shiba chi arakhen-pe lokes, hai zhanimata avrune shibako zhanimata pe lumiya nai loke te thon-pe ando kodo hai te programin-pe. Po kaver wast, prosto haznimos pala MT sistemi po Interneto baryol, hai gineralnones rrazil e tribuyala vash prosto gist, worka "pashutno" tolmachimasko thodimos anglal kai haznitorya ferdi roden pashutno halyarimos le kontentosko. Vorbimos-ka-vorbimasko tolmachimos hai mobile translation mobilonengo tolmachimos si akanutno importantni dometurya rodimaske ando MT.
Commonsense Advisory, "Resources--Glossary", online.
Hutchins, John. "Publications on machine translation, computer-based translation technologies, linguistics and other topics." Web.
Hutchins, John. "The development and use of machine translation systems and computer-based translation tools" (1999). Available online.
Baker, Mona and Gabriela Saldanha (eds), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. 2nd Edition, London / New York: Routledge, 2009.
Gambier, Yves and Luc Van Doorslaer (eds), Handbook of Translation Studies. Vol. 1, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2010. Also online.
Guzmán, Rafael, "Manual MT Post-editing", Translation Journal (2007). Available online.
Nirenburg, Sergei, Harold Somers, and Yorick Wilks (eds), Readings in Machine Translation, Cambridge, MA (U.S.): MIT Press, 2003.
Somers, Harold (ed), Computers and Translation--A translator's guide, Benjamins Translation Library, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2003.
Zhavo mange (Kalderash)
Jertisar (Gurbeti)
Na xolyajve! (Lovari)
Zao mange but (Xoraxane)