Rodindoi phanglimata mashkar Rromani kultura hai e niva tolmachimaski
Translation Romani

Resursi hai referentsiyi disponibli (ramome hai po Interneto) shai arakhadyol mai spesifikno shtiriya pe edukatsiya hai sikayimos  te preparisavol te zhan andre pramati profesyonalni hai akademikoske ando tolmachimaske teknologiyi, lokalizatsiya, mashinake tolmachimos hai teluno-tolmachimos.

Reinhard Schäler (2007): Translators and Localization--Education and Training in the Context of GILC (The Interpreter and Translator Trainer)

Localisation Research Centre: Limerick, Ireland

Centre for Next Generation Localisation: Limerick, Ireland

The Localization Institute: Madison, WI (U.S.)

The Project Management Institute: Newtown Square, PA (U.S.)

Language Technologies Institute: Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (U.S.)

Statistical Machine Translation Group (SMT): University of Edinburgh, Scotland Translation schools and associations

American Translators Association: List of Approved Translation and Interpreting Schools (international)

International Terminology Summer School (TSS): Cologne, Germany. Website in English and in German.

Kearns, John (ed), Translator and Interpreter Training: Issues, Methods and Debates, Continuum Studies in Translation, London / New York: Continuum, 2008.

Pym, Anthony, Papers on Translator Training, available online.

Translation Romani

Kolkorro Rromano swato Other Romani Word
Mishto avilan (Kalderash)
I tute (Gurbeti)
Naj pe soste! (Lovari)
Kerel tuke sukar/latche (Xoraxane)
 You`re welcome (EN)  Bem vindo (PT)  Bienvenue (FR)  No hay de que (ES)  Bitteschön (DE)  Nincs mit (HU)  Prego (IT)  Rica ederim (TR)  Není zač (CS)

Kames te tolmachis kakya patrin?
Kamas-manges te tolmachis kako artikulo ande kiri shib? Te plachal tut, trade tiri tolmachiya ka Yekh data kana parrudyilo, kam-avel ankalado po saito.