Globalizatsiya , ikonomikoske hai bukyake amboldimata, komputerya, o Interneto, hai sayek parruyimaske informatsyake hai komunikatsyake teknologiyi (ICT) parrude o bukyako than hai workflow (thavdimos-bukyako) organitsyandar kruyal e lumiya antrego. Kakale parruyimata sas-len bari dab po drom sar le kanalurya produktsiyange hai buflyarimatange, thai-vi resursi. porunchisavon. Nitala e fatsa tolmachimaski ankolime bukfansa kai kerel buki kolkorro ando garado than sas e yekhorri fatsa ande savorrengi gogi de shela bersha, moderno reyaliteto mothol aver fyal. Ando yekh-fyalo drom sar organizatsiyi hai komersiyo (kadya mothol le kastomaya tolmacheske) kerdile pe sila te parrudyon kai parruyimaske tsirkumstantsiyi, thai-vi kumpaniyi tolmachimaske hai tolmacha musai sas lenge te parruven penge pramatni ekspertizurya/sikayimata te shinaven le but fyalurya tribuyeli penge kastomendar. Kakya si worta chachuni ande teknologiya. Pa prosto anologiya, vi but sar programurya ofisange kidimata programurya hai komputeriyeske programurya len sama katar le bazutni mangimata kai anklen katar ofisake funktsiya hai kerimata, kadya si komunikatsiya hai lila, prochesimos swatonengo, kidemos datango thai irimos, Publikatsiya pe miriyazha, sokotimata thai prezentatsiya, vi sar ekh buflo dometo tolmachimaske bukyake-thanenge aplikatsiyi - zhangle sar Translation Environment Tools (TEnT) vai Computer-Assisted Translation tools (CAT) - korespondin-pe kai diferentni prochesurya kai trobul te kerel tolmachimaske-spesifikno buki. Kakale spesyalaizime aparati hai teknologiyi meken tolmacha te pushen hai te irisaren data-ka-termo, collocation hai nivelurya segmentonengo katar terminology databases, concordancers thai translation memories. Provyantin funktsyonaliteturya vash tolmacha te keren alignments (wortomata) te dikhen sa-gata kerdine tolmachime kontenturya, korpurya hai parallel documentation (paralelno dokumentatsiya), thai-vi te lel sama ilektrikoskone formatime kontento ka ekh-fyalo vryamya arakhen kodo hai tagurya. Azhutin tolmacha te ingaren vuche kwalitetóske pramatno buki kana si len phari bukyake ladimata, fugo amboldimatange vakturya thai but, butivar hamime, file formats (dosariyenge formaturya).
HT, CAT, MT, MAHT thai HAMT si akronimurya prostone haznime ando pramatno tolmachimos kana keren referentsiya, respektivnones ka Human Translation (manushenge tolmachimos), komputeri azhutime tolmachimos, Machine Translation (mashinako tolmachimos), mashinako-azhutime manushenge tolmachimos, thai manushenge-azhutime mashinako tolmachimos. Rrazin diferentni skeli interventsyake manushendar vai mashinandar pe teknologiyake tolmachimasko bi-ashimos phanglo po yekh gor katar exclusivnones manushango tolmachimos thai po kaver gor katar ferdi mashinako tolmachimos. MAHT (kai anel-pe andre CAT vai TEnT) kerel referentsiya ka le tolmachengo haznimos le kompteriyestar, numa HAMT kerel referentsiya kai interventsiya katar manush ande mashinako tolmachime teksto, vash egzemplo ando post-editing (pala-redaktiya). Vryamyasa, translator workstations (tolmachimange bukyake-stansiyi) tsira-tsiratar parrudile ande lokalnones networkime vai pe komputeriyeske "bukyake stansiyi", savestar spesyalaizime tools (aparati) hai teknologiyi shai te aven dinyol andre thai hulade, thai-vi maladine kavre tsine programonensa hai haznimata probime te kerel benefito kai tolmacha, kadya si swatonenge ginitorya, parruyimaske haznimata hai kontento anklimaske aparati. Dali proprietary, open source vai search engine-based sar Google, aparati hai teknologiyi kerdile vash le tolmachimaski lumiya sayek anel andre funktsionaliteturya katar but kontektsturya savesa interkonektin-pe: project management (prodjektosko porenchimos), bute-shibange vai desktop or website publishing, localization komputeriyeske programonenge, miriyazhake khelimata hai mukimaske aparati hai avtmatikoske (mashinake) tolmachimos.
Baker, Mona and Gabriela Saldanha (eds), Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. 2nd Edition, London / New York: Routledge, 2009.
Bowker, Lynne (2002), Computer-Aided Translation Technology. A Practical Introduction, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.
Esselink, Bert (2000), A Practical Guide to Localization, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing.
Gambier, Yves and Luc Van Doorslaer (eds), Handbook of Translation Studies. Vol. 1, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2010. Also online.
Hutchins, John, "The Origins of the Translator's Workstation", in Machine Translation, vol.13, no.4 (1998), p. 287-307. Online.
Ishida, Toru (ed), Culture and Computing. Computing and Communication for Crosscultural Interaction, Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2010.
Malmkjær, Kirsten and Kevin Windle (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Translation Studies, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Quah, C. K. (2006), Translation and Technology, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Somers, Harold (ed), Computers and Translation: A Translator's Guide, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2003. Online excerpts.
Zetzsche, Jost, TranslatorsTraining website.
Lasho ges tuke (Kalderash)
Lačho djive (Gurbeti)
T'avel shukar tyiro dyes! (Lovari)
Neka ovel tuke o sukar dive (Xoraxane)