Le fetsi hai talenturya kai keren e fatsa le pramatnoske tomlachaski si but yazni kodolendar kai trobun hai mangline te del duma sar o pai ekh avre-themeski shib kai sikyol. Kakale talenturya shai thon-pe ande shtar gineralni talenturenge klasifikatsiyi: shibako, prindjarimasko, tolmachimasko, sikayimos ando subjekto. Mai spesyalnones le pramatni tolmacha hakyaren le gramatikalni, stilistikni hai kulturalni kovlimata ande sa l' redjisterya diwanonge ande l' shiba savendar tolmachin. Si len lashe dashtimata te keren, te keren analisurya, te thon ande gogya hai te lasharen le bute fyalurya zhanimata. Sikadile katar penge edukatsiya hai sikayimata te keren analiso le kontentosko katar la xayingaki shib hai te ramon les yaznomasa hai talentosa ande alome shib kana tolmachin bazime pe lenge tolmachimaske strategiyi. Thai-vi won aven maistorya ande terminologiya, stilo hai kontento ande spesifikni treyabi kai keren buki. Istorikalnones but tolmacha kai kerenas buki and ekh than line-penge kakale telenturya vuche nivelonge katar but bersh eksperiyentsange.
Katar o duito dopashin la bishtonya kenturiyangi, o tolmachimos parruvelas but te avel mai pramatno. Akana trobun le tolmacha te len-pe edukatsiya formalno hai sikayvimaske programurya si thodine ando than ande akademikni hai universiteturiyange institutsiyi. Pramatni asosiyatsiyi thai organizatsiyi ankliste ande lumiya antrego hai aresen katar o International Federation of Translators (FIT) kai natsiyonalno, regiyonalno, hai lokalno bazime grupurya sar o American Translators Association (ATA), o Ordre des traducteurs et interprétes agréés du Québec (OTTIAQ) hai o Colegio de Traductores Públicos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CTPCBA). Karti ofisyalni hai zakoya pakivake sas ramome hai blagostovime te chachyarel le pakivale woyi le tolmachange. Wuni organitatsiyi hai asosiyatsiyi thodine ando than droma savesa tolmacha shai aven chachyarde hai dine ãutorizatsiya te keren tolmachiyi kai phandavel ando zakno kakale tolmachiyi. Ando bukyarniko than, le pramatni tolmacha si len dui alomata angla lende, kadya si te keren buki pe plata sar bukyarnichi ande kumpaniya kai shinavel tolmachimatange servisurya vai agentsiya worka shai keren buki kolkorro sar kontrakteriya. Pramatni tolmacha len penge vuche nivelurya talenturiya te nevyaren, redaktin hai te ramon le probi-manuskriptonge.
European Commission. "Translator Profile." Web. 28 January 2011. http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/translation/workwithus/staff/profile/index_en.htm
Gouadec, Daniel (2002), Profession : Traducteur, Paris: La Maison du Dictionnaire. Trans. (2007), Translation as a Profession, Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Translation Bureau (Public Works and Government Services Canada). "Translator." Web. 28 January 2011. http://www.btb.gc.ca/btb.php?lang=eng&cont=818
Chi zhanav. (Kalderash)
Na džanav.|Ni džanav. (Gurbeti)
Chi pinzharav. (Lovari)
Na djanav. (Xoraxane)